This morning former Fire Chief of the ICFPD David MacBean pled guilty to two counts theft plus embezzlement. Sentencing is scheduled for June 24, 2014, 1500 hours. Please see Press Release from DA:
Jefferson and Gilpin Counties
Peter A. Weir, District Attorney
April 7, 2014
Pam Russell, Public Information
Former Volunteer Fire Chief Pleads Guilty to Theft of over $600,000
David Roy MacBean, 41, appeared in Jefferson County District Court today and pled guilty to stealing over $600,000 from the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District during the time that he served as their volunteer Fire Chief.
MacBean pled guilty to two counts of Theft - $20,000 or more (F3) and one count of Embezzlement (F5).
Between January 2010 and March 2013 MacBean madeunauthorized purchases in the amount of $647,351 using the Fire Protection District’s credit card and bank accounts. MacBean made numerous purchases through PayPal,, at Big R and at various other retail merchants for his personal use.
He was indicted by a Jefferson County grand jury in October, 2013.
As volunteer Fire Chief, David MacBean was responsible for theoverall supervision of operations for the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, subject to the direction of the board of directors. This included the operation of the fire department, hiring and managing of staff and assisting in preparing the annual budget.
The Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District is funded by mill levy property taxes.
Sentencing has been set forJune 24 at 3:00. MacBean agreed to pay restitution in the amount of $647,351.59 as ordered by the court. He remains out on $40,000 bond.