Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Firefighters save trapped dog" - Courtesy of The High Timber Times

Firefighters save trapped dog

Oct 15, 2014 02:09 PM
Jason Frye's 17-year-old dog, TJ, was missing, and Frye was making a frantic search. As the Morrison resident walked down Pine Springs Drive near his home, he heard TJ's familiar, though muffled, bark.
Frye followed the sound of his beloved spaniel mix, and it led him to a disturbing discovery: TJ, who is blind and partially deaf, had wandered into a culvert under a neighbor’s driveway and become stuck. It was after 8 p.m. Oct. 4.
“I thought he was dead for sure,” Frye said.
Frye raced back home to alert his family and call animal control. Jeffco sheriff’s deputies and firefighters from Inter-Canyon and Indian Hills responded.
“The pipe is approximately 50 feet (long) and designed to carry water under the driveway,” said Dan Hatlestad, deputy chief with Inter-Canyon Fire. “The dog was lying in the center of the culvert pipe, and none of our tools were able to reach the animal.”
“Everyone thought (TJ’s) collar was caught on a piece of the pipe,” said Joie Frye, Jason’s wife. “He just wasn’t moving at all.”
Firefighters cut a hole in the driveway and then cut through the culvert pipe. They removed TJ’s collar, but still the dog didn’t move. The firefighters then capped and filled a fire hose.
“We then pushed the hose through the culvert and pushed TJ through to the other end,” Hatlestad said. “He emerged and was reunited with his family.”
After the nearly three-hour ordeal, the first person to hold TJ was the Fryes’ oldest son, Jacob.
“It felt unreal,” Jacob said. “It’s hard to describe because it didn’t feel like it was really happening. I never knew if I’d get to hold him again.”
“We got TJ before (Jason and I) had Jacob,” Joie said. “There’s always been a strong bond between Jacob and TJ. TJ sleeps in Jacob’s room every night.”
An examination of the dog revealed that TJ had cut his front right leg. After a trip to the vet and some antibiotics, he’s acting like nothing ever happened.
“He’s doing great,” Jason said. “He’s probably better than normal, actually. When you have a 17-year-old dog, you can kind of expect that he’ll die pretty soon. But we didn’t want it to happen because he was stuck in some pipe.”
The evening could have taken a turn for the worse if an original plan had been executed. Jason first thought to tie a rope around his 9-year-old son Josh and have him climb through the pipe. Firefighters on the scene advised against it.
“I was ready to do it,” Josh said.
The Fryes want to thank the firefighters and the Jeffco Sheriff’s Office for helping. The responding firefighters from Inter-Canyon were Hatlestad, Skip Shirlaw, Todd Moore and Mark Forgy.
The Fryes would also like to thank their neighbors, Dave and Stacey Malerba, for being accommodating and understanding while emergency crews drilled a hole in their driveway.
“The firefighters were really incredible,” Joie said. “The response was heartwarming. As much effort as they put into the rescue, it could’ve been any one of their own dogs.”
“There was never a sense that they were going to stop,” Jason said. “It was going to go on until TJ was out.”

Contact Daniel Laverty at 303-350-1042 or Check for updates and breaking news. Follow Daniel on Twitter @LavertyReports.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Strategic Planning Meeting

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District Board of Directors has scheduled a Strategic Planning Meeting to discuss the 2015 budget on Saturday, October 4th, 8:00 a.m. to noon.  The meeting will take place at the following location:


Mountain Resource Center

11030 Kitty Drive

Aspen Park, CO 80433


Please contact our office with any questions.  303-697-4413


Monday, September 22, 2014

Thanks to for the great pictures of the ICFPD Open House

Thanks to for attending our 60th Anniversary and Open House on Saturday September 20, 2014.  View the photos at:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Learn more about ICFPD Open House, station three and our Rookie Academy

Check out this great video, taken by one of our citizens Chuck Trautman.  We hope you will join us for our Open House and 60th Anniversary celebration on Saturday September 20 from 9 AM to 12 noon at Station One, 7939 South Turkey Creek Road.

Friday, September 5, 2014

September ICFPD Board of Directors Meeting September 9

The Board of Directors next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 9th at 7:00 pm at ICFPD Station 1, 7939 S. Turkey Creek Rd, Morrison, CO.  If you have any questions please contact our administrative offices at 303-697-4413.  Thank you. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

ICFPD Open House and 60th Anniversary Celebration

Please join the firefighters, EMS staff, VEES and other staff of ICFPD for our Open House and 60th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday September 20 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon at station one.  Station one is located at 7939 South Turkey Creek Road, at the intersection of South Deer Creek Road and South Turkey Creek Road.  We will have demonstrations of auto extrication, house fire suppression, wildfire mitigation, EMS and ambulance tours, and we will be recruiting new members.

We hope you can join us.

Friday, August 15, 2014

ICFPD Chiefs Take on the Ice Water Challenge

ICFPD Simpson takes on the ice water challenge:

Deputy Chiefs Shirlaw & Hatlestad accept the challenge and will take it on Saturday during Rookie Academy at station three

Monday, August 4, 2014

Slash Collection August 9 and 10 at ICFPD Station 3

Slash Collection hosted by Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District 8/9 and 8/10

When: August 09 and 10, 2014 8:30: AM - 3:30 PM
Where: Station 3 on Settlers Drive, 8445 S. Hwy 285
Description: Fees for Remote Slash Collection Program
Small Pickup - Bed High: $5
Small Pickup - Cab High: $8
Small Pickup - Above Cab High: $10
Large Pickup – Bed High   $8
Large Pickup – Cab High   $10
Large Pickup - Above the Cab High $12
Trailer – Single Axle $10/Double Axle $15
Dump Truck –Cab High $20/Above Cab High $25

8445 S. Highway 285- 1 blk north of Firehouse on Settlers Drive.  C-470 to Highway 285 southbound.  Station #3 is on the right side of the highway, before Windy Point. Enter Sourdough Drive off Hwy 285 and route through community; follow traffic signs and traffic control direction.

August ICFPD Board Meeting Cancelled

The Inter-Canyon Fire Protection August Board of Directors regular meeting scheduled for August 13th has been cancelled.  Scheduling conflicts prevent the possibility of a quorum.  The Board of Directors next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 9th at 7:00 pm at ICFPD Station 1, 7939 S. Turkey Creek Rd, Morrison, CO.  If you have any questions please contact our administrative offices at 303-697-4413.  Thank you. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Former Fire Chief Sentenced to 8 Years


Jefferson and Gilpin Counties

Peter A. Weir, District Attorney



Former Volunteer Fire Chief Sentenced to 8Y Prison for Embezzlement


David Roy MacBean, 42, was sentenced today to eight years in prison, plus five years of parole, for stealing over $600,000 from the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District during the time that he served as their volunteer Fire Chief.


Between January 2010 and March 2013 Mr. MacBean madeunauthorized purchases in the amount of $647,351 using the Fire Protection District’s credit card and bank accounts. Mr. MacBean made numerous purchases through PayPal,, at Big R and at various other retail merchants for his personal use. In their sentencing argument, prosecutors outlined Mr. MacBean’s spending history, including as an example that in July, 2012, he spent over $42,000 shopping online for musical equipment, electronics, wireless products, PCs and other items.  


As volunteer Fire Chief, David MacBean was responsible for theoverall supervision of operations for the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, subject to the direction of the board of directors.  This included the operation of the fire department, hiring and managing of staff and assisting in preparing the annual budget.


In an overflowing courtroom, David MacBean told District Judge Jeffrey Pilkington that he took complete responsibility for his actions and that he had betrayed the fire fighters and the entire department, their families, the communityhis family and friends.


In April, 2014, David MacBean pled guilty to two counts of Theft - $20,000 or more (F3) and one count of Embezzlement (F5).  Judge Pilkington sentenced David MacBean to eight years in prison on each Theft count, to be served concurrent to one another, and two years in prison on the Embezzlement count. The two year sentence will be served consecutively to the six year sentence for a total of eight years.  He will also have a five yearmandatory parole period.


MacBean agreed to pay restitution in the amount of $647,351.59 as part of his plea agreement.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Potential for heavy rain on Tuesday and Wednesday with risk of flooding

Jefferson County Emergency Management is working with the National Weather Service. They are indicating the possibility exists tomorrow into Wednesday for very heavy rain in the ICFPD area. Here are some of the details from the NWS:

1. The air moisture will be in the 99th percentile tomorrow into Wednesday meaning there is ample moisture in the atmosphere.

2. We will experience upslope flow. We all know upslope means heavy snow in the winter and this time of year it triggers heavy rain.

3. Most areas in Jefferson County can anticipate at least 1 - 2 inches of rainfall starting late tomorrow morning or early afternoon and lasting 30 to 36 > hours.

4. Isolated storms will be capable of producing rainfall rates of 2-3 inches per hour for a period of one or two hours.

Have you prepared for potential flooding?  Are you ready to evacuate if needed?

ICFPD to celebrate 60 years of service to the community

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District celebrates 60 years of service to the community this year.  ICFPD was formed in 1954 and provides structural fire protection, wildland fire suppression, and Emergency Medical Services to our community.  With over 50 volunteer firefighters, EMTs and paramedics we serve approximately 52 square miles of unincorporated Jefferson County.

Please join us for a 60th Anniversary Celebration at the ICFPD Community Open House from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Saturday September 20.  The Open House will be held at ICFPD station one, 7939 South Turkey Creek Road in Morrison.  Firefighting demonstrations, ambulance tours, ideas on wildfire mitigation to improve home safety and equipment demonstrations.  Please join us!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Community Open House Saturday September 20

Please join us for the ICFPD Community Open House from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Saturday September 20.  The Open House will be held at ICFPD station one, 7939 South Turkey Creek Road in Morrison.  Firefighting demonstrations, ambulance tours, ideas on wildfire mitigation to improve home safety and equipment demonstrations.  Please join us!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Former Fire Chief to be sentenced August 1

The sentencing on three felonies for former fire chief Dave MacBean will be held August 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM. Sentencing will be held in courtroom 4-F of the Jefferson County Courthouse. Citizens and taxpayers, victims of these felony thefts, can choose to submit a Victim Impact Statement to the judge prior to sentencing. The Victim Impact Statement can include your thoughts on the impact of the crimes on the community, you, and the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District. You can send your Victim Impact Statement to: The Honorable Jeffrey R Pilkington 1st Judicial District Judge 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden CO 80401 You can also appear at the sentencing and you can elect to speak at sentencing. Sentencing will be held Friday August 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM in courtroom 4-F.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Slash Collection - Recycle your Slash August 9 and 10

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District will host a slash collection on August 9 and 10.  The slash collection will be held at ICFPD Station 3, 8445 South Highway 285, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM each day.  This is a cooperative effort between ICFPD and Jefferson County.  Slash collection is an ideal time to work on wildfire mitigation for your property, reducing the fuel load around your home.  The fee schedule:

Small Pickup- Bed High $5.00

Small Pickup - Cab High $8.00

Small Pickup - Above Cab $10.00

Large Pickup - Bed High $8.00

Large Pickup - Cab High $10.00

Large Pickup - Above Cab $12.00

Trailer - Single Axle - $10.00

Trailer - Double Axle $15.00

Dump Truck - Cab High $20.00

Dump Truck - Above Cab $25.00

Only woody slash, pine needles or leafy material is accepted.  No building materials, roots, rocks, metal, dirt, plastics or any tree limbs or tree trunks greater than 8 inches in diameter is accepted.  For more information you can call Jefferson County at 303-271-4900.  Inter-Canyon firefighters will be on hand to direct traffic and assist you with unloading.  A great way to reduce the wildfire risks in our community.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

ICFPD Firefighter Rookie Academy Begins August 2

ICFPD Firefighter Rookie Academy begins August 2, 2014.  Your rookie year as a volunteer firefighter or EMS provider with Inter-Canyon is very busy.  We have several ways you can serve the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District:

1.  District residents and those who live within one air mile serve as In-District firefighters and EMS providers.  You are required to meet all educational requirements and respond to a minimum of 15% of calls, which average 350 per year.

2.  Volunteers who live outside the district can serve as Out-of-District firefighters and EMS providers.  You are required to meet all educational requirements and serve at station one for a minimum of 24 hours per month.

There are two roles from which you can select while serving ICFPD.  All of the training listed is provided to our volunteers at no charge.

1.  Firefighter - requires the following certifications:

Colorado Firefighter I or II
Wildland Firefighter II or higher
Hazardous Materials Operations or higher
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) or EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, or Paramedic

2.  EMS and Firefighter Support

Completion of ICFPD firefighting safety
Hazardous Materials Awareness
EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, or Paramedic

For an application call our offices at 303-697-4413.  For more information visit our website:

Community Open House at ICFPD Station One Saturday September 20 from 9 AM to 12 Noon

Please join ICFPD for our Community Open House Saturday September 20 from 9 AM to 12 noon at Station One - 7939 South Turkey Creek Road. At the ICFPD Open House you will have a chance to: 

Meet the firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics who volunteer in service to ICFPD.

See demonstrations of structural firefighting equipment

Tour our Advanced Life Support ambulances and learn more about Emergency Medical Services

View demonstrations of wildland firefighting techniques and equipment

Learn more about wildfire mitigation - how to prepare and protect your family and property in the Wildland Urban Interface of Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District

Meet the members of the ICFPD Board of Directors

Learn about how you can volunteer to serve your community as a member of ICFPD - either as a firefighter or EMS provider

We hope you will join us.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sentencing delayed for former ICFPD Fire Chief

The sentencing on three felonies for former fire chief Dave MacBean has been postponed to August 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM. Sentencing will be held in courtroom 4-F of the Jefferson County Courthouse. Citizens and taxpayers, victims of these felony thefts, can choose to submit a Victim Impact Statement to the judge prior to sentencing. The Victim Impact Statement can include your thoughts on the impact of the crimes on the community, you, and the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District. You can send your Victim Impact Statement to: The Honorable Jeffrey R Pilkington 1st Judicial District Judge 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden CO 80401 You can also appear at the sentencing and you can elect to speak at sentencing. Sentencing will be held Friday August 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM in courtroom 4-F.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


VEE’S ANNUAL FLEA MARKET Proceeds to support our local Volunteer Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District Sales dates are: July 19th – Saturday 8 am to 4 pm July 20th – Sunday 9 am to 3 pm At Fire Station 3, 8445 S. Hwy. 285 We will be accepting donations of saleable items: Friday, July 18th –12pm-8pm Saturday, July 19 –8am-11am This sale is huge. We have clothing, home and office furniture, antiques, crafting items, books, kitchen wares, small appliances, toys, exercise equipment, tools, linens, camping gear. All priced lower than most thrift stores. Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District is a government entity. Donations to the District are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. SORRY, WE CAN NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS OF NON HD TV’S, COMPUTER ITEMS, TIRES, WOOD STOVES, LARGE APPLIANCES, SKIS, MATTRESSES, CAR SEATS, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, or TOILETS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Former fire chief sentencing on June 24 - two ways to submit your Victim Impact Statement

Victims of these multiple crimes, including the citizens and taxpayers of Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, have a right to testify at sentencing or provide written statements to the judge. We ask you to let the judge know how these crimes have impacted you, the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, and the volunteer firefighters, EMTs and paramedics who serve you. You can provide your thoughts in two ways: Written Victim Statements can be mailed to the judge: The Honorable Jeffrey R Pilkington 1st Judicial District Judge 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden CO 80401 You can also attend the sentencing and choose to speak at the sentencing: Tuesday June 24, 2014 3:00 PM Division 3 Jefferson County Courthouse 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden CO 80401 Victim Impact Statements: Victim impact statements are written or oral information from crime victims, in their own words, about how a crime has affected them. Colorado allows victim impact statements at sentencing. The purpose of victim impact statements is to allow crime victims, during the decision-making process on sentencing, to describe to the court the impact of the crime. A judge may use information from these statements to help determine the offender's sentence. Victim impact statements may provide information about damage to victims that would otherwise have been unavailable to courts. The former chief has pleaded guilty to these three felonies: Two counts of Theft-$20,000 or More F3 and one count of Embezzlement of Public Property F5.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Former chief to be sentenced June 24 at 3:00 PM in Division 3 of Jefferson County Court - Right of victims to testify at sentencing

Victims of these crimes, including the taxpayers of ICFPD, have a right to testify at sentencing. Victim Impact Statements: Victim impact statements are written or oral information from crime victims, in their own words, about how a crime has affected them. Colorado allows victim impact statements at sentencing. The purpose of victim impact statements is to allow crime victims, during the decision-making process on sentencing, to describe to the court the impact of the crime. A judge may use information from these statements to help determine the offender's sentence. Victim impact statements may provide information about damage to victims that would otherwise have been unavailable to courts. Victims are often not called to testify in court, and if they testify, they must respond to narrow, specific questions. Victim impact statements are often the victims' only opportunity to participate in the criminal justice process or to confront the offenders who have harmed them. Many victims report that making such statements improves their satisfaction with the criminal justice process and helps them recover from the crime.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ICFPD Receives Donation of Oxygen Masks for Pets

Yesterday, ICFPD received its donation of 5 pet oxygen / CPR mask kits. Robert, from the Invisible Fence Company of Evergreen, delivered the kits and gave a hands on demonstration. ICFPD will use the kits in the event of a pet breathing smoke during a structure fire.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fire Weather Zone Forecast

The National Weather Service establishes Fire Weather Zones based on local geography, topography, weather conditions and fuel types. The National Weather Service issues Red Flag Warnings & Fire Weather Watches to alert fire departments of the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and dry conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. Definitions of a Fire Weather Watch and a Red Flag Warning A fire weather watch or red flag warning is issued when the combination of dry fuels and weather conditions support extreme fire danger. These products are written for land and fire managers to highlight the increased fire danger. Each NWS office creates local criteria for fire weather watches and red flag warnings. Criteria may include: Sustained 20 foot winds of 20 mph or higher. Afternoon relative humidity less than 25%. 10 hour fuel moisture at 8% or less for one day. A fire weather watch is issued up to 72 hours before the above conditions are expected to occur. A red flag warning is issued when the conditions above are expected to occur or are occurring within the next 24 hours. A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when weather conditions could exist in the next 12-72 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one level below a warning, but fire danger is still high. The type of weather patterns that can cause a watch or warning include low relative humidity, strong winds, dry fuels, the possibility of dry lightning strikes, or any combination of the above. During heightened fire danger, ICFPD will monitor conditions, respond with more fire engines and request additional mutual aid staff and equipment to respond to any new fires. ICFPD urges everyone to be extremely cautious, especially during periods of high fire danger. It's important all residents and visitors take steps to prevent wildfires. One less spark could mean one less wildfire.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Unofficial election results

Caimi 49; Marcus 48; Firor 45; Prielipp 39; Reddy 32

High Timber Times Article on ICFPD Board of Directors Election - Vote today at Station Three

From the High Timber Times: Inter-Canyon Fire election set for May 6, 2014 Polls to be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; three board seats up for vote By Daniel Laverty Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 2:21 pm Polls for the election for three seats on the Inter-Canyon Fire District board will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. May 6 at Station 4, 8445 U.S. 285. “The best time to vote would be in the middle of the day,” said Dana Retterer, Inter-Canyon’s election official. “I imagine it would be busy at the beginning and end of the period, with everyone’s work schedules.” Retterer said unofficial results will be available May 6, but that final results won’t be official until eight days after the election. “We have to wait until we receive all the ballots from military personnel and from people out of town,” she said. Newcomer Kerry Prielipp joins incumbents Leslie Caimi, Mike Reddy and Karl Firor in vying for three four-year terms on the Inter-Canyon Board of Directors. Incumbent Joe Marcus was the only candidate to run for the two-year term and will remain on the board. Board member Ralph Dreher’s seat is up for election in 2016. Inter-Canyon has spent the last six months in turmoil after the theft of more than $647,000 from its reserve fund was revealed last October. Former fire chief David MacBean pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and one count of embezzlement April 7. MacBean is facing 27 years in jail, and his sentencing is scheduled for June. As part of his plea, he agreed to pay back the stolen funds. The next Inter-Canyon board meeting is at 7 p.m. May 14 at Station 1, 7939 S. Turkey Creek Road in Morrison. For more information, visit

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District Election Tuesday May 6, 2014

Don't forget to vote today at the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District election. You can vote at station three, 8445 South Highway 285, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District to Receive Donated Pet Oxygen Masks

LOCAL PETS TO BREATHE EASIER Although the number of pets that die in fires is not an official statistic kept by the U.S. Fire Administration, industry web sites and sources have cited an estimated 40,000 to 150,000 pets each year that die in fires; most succumbing to smoke inhalation. In most states, emergency responders are unequipped to deal with the crisis. The donation of these specially designed and potentially lifesaving animal oxygen mask sets enable firefighters to efficiently administer oxygen to a stricken animal. First Responders of Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District are receiving five animal rescue oxygen mask kits through a donation from Invisible Fence® Brand. They will be equipped with masks after Tuesday’s training session and demonstrations. Department personnel will demonstrate how the masks are used on their canine friends. One complete set of the Pet Oxygen Systems is now carried on each ICFPD engine. This donation is part of a national effort called Project Breathe™ project to equip fire stations across the U.S. and Canada. Invisible Fence® Brand has a commitment to pet safety that extends beyond electronic pet containment by funding deserving projects that help to save the lives of pets. More information is available at:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Transition to Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center

A long-awaited plan to consolidate several area fire departments’ dispatch services is moving forward and Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District is the next agency to make the change.  The move to utilize the Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center, which is expected to take place on Monday May 5, 2014 at 9:00 A.M.for ICFPD, has been in the works for several months.  The integration of radio systems, policies, training, and information management systems has required the work of many of the ICFPD firefighters and Evergreen dispatchers.

Currently ICFPD uses the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center for all dispatching of 911 responses.  Following the transfer of dispatch services, the initial call will continue to be received at the Jefferson County Dispatch Center and then transferred to the Evergreen Dispatch Center.  This allows for the continuing coordination of both law enforcement and fire department responders.

The dispatchers at the Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center, many of whom are off-duty EMTs and firefighters, will give advice and direction to the caller prior to the arrival of EMS or fire personnel. This will provide the caller with valuable information to provide supportive care to the sick or injured person.

“We continue to seek ways to improve our response times, services to the citizens and firefighter safety.  The new Dispatch Center serving multiple fire and EMS agencies is the next step in this process.” said Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District Fire Chief Randy Simpson.  Simpson also added that the combined fire and EMS dispatch center will improve coordination and response between the departments.

The changes to the dispatch function are the next logical step in improving fire and Emergency Medical Services.  Chief Simpson said ICFPD firefighters look forward to the transition.  “The new dispatch center should enhance communication between fire agencies and improve the situational awareness of our firefighters,” said Chief Simpson.

The console will be set up to allow communication at four terminals.  Each terminal will have multiple computer screens to monitor fire and EMS activity.  To start the consolidation process, the fire department began an intensive process of information transfer to the Evergreen Dispatch Center in 2013.

"This has been a lot of hard work from members of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center, the Evergreen Dispatch Center, and the staff of ICFPD working collaboratively," said Simpson. "It's been a great team effort.  Thanks to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center for their decades of service to our citizens and firefighters."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Career Day at West Jefferson Middle School

Today firefighters from Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District joined Elk Creek Fire Department, as well as mountain area businesses and other Jefferson County agencies, at the West Jefferson Middle School’s annual Career Day. The event is used to educate the eighth-grade students on different career paths that are available to them, education requirements of those fields and average salaries. Students were able to get hands-on demonstrations of firefighting and EMS equipment. Students tried on firefighting bunker gear (protective clothing) and SCBA’s. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Former ICFPD Fire Chief pleads guilty


This morning former Fire Chief of the ICFPD David MacBean pled guilty to two counts theft plus embezzlement. Sentencing is scheduled for June 24, 2014, 1500 hours.  Please see Press Release from DA:



Jefferson and Gilpin Counties

Peter A. Weir, District Attorney



April 7, 2014

Pam Russell, Public Information




Former Volunteer Fire Chief Pleads Guilty to Theft of over $600,000


David Roy MacBean, 41, appeared in Jefferson County District Court today and pled guilty to stealing over $600,000 from the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District during the time that he served as their volunteer Fire Chief.


MacBean pled guilty to two counts of Theft - $20,000 or more (F3) and one count of Embezzlement (F5).  


Between January 2010 and March 2013 MacBean madeunauthorized purchases in the amount of $647,351 using the Fire Protection District’s credit card and bank accounts. MacBean made numerous purchases through PayPal,, at Big R and at various other retail merchants for his personal use.


He was indicted by a Jefferson County grand jury in October, 2013.


As volunteer Fire Chief, David MacBean was responsible for theoverall supervision of operations for the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, subject to the direction of the board of directors.  This included the operation of the fire department, hiring and managing of staff and assisting in preparing the annual budget.


The Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District is funded by mill levy property taxes.


Sentencing has been set forJune 24 at 3:00.  MacBean agreed to pay restitution in the amount of $647,351.59 as ordered by the court. He remains out on $40,000 bond.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2014 Wildfire Preparedness Kick-Off Event

2014 Wildfire Preparedness Kick-Off Event WHY When communities have the tools & motivation to proactively work together to reduce wildfire risk, everyone benefits. WHEN Saturday, March 1, 2014 9:00am Doors Open 9:30am Keynote Address 10:30am - 1:00pm Open House WHERE Ute Pass Cultural Center 210 E. Midland Ave. Woodland Park, CO Keynote Speaker Linda Masterson Open House & Home Safety Keynote Address at 9:30 The award-winning researcher and author, Linda Masterson, of Surviving Wildfire. Get Prepared. Stay Alive. Rebuild Your Life, shares her story of loss and recovery along with a wealth of practical tips to help you reduce your risk and get better prepared for wildfire. Open House from 10:30am - 1:00pm Join us for FREE hands-on workshops, presentations, & demonstrations led by wildfire experts to share knowledge & effective strategies for mitigating wildfire risk in our area. Coalition for the Upper South Platte | (719) 748-0033 | | This project was made possible through support provided by the United States Forest Service and The Nature Conservancy, under the terms of Coopera?ve Agreement #11-­‐CA-­‐11132543-­‐158. The content and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the posi?on or the policy of the USFS, DOI, or The Nature Conservancy, and no official endorsement should be inferred.