Monday, April 28, 2014

Transition to Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center

A long-awaited plan to consolidate several area fire departments’ dispatch services is moving forward and Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District is the next agency to make the change.  The move to utilize the Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center, which is expected to take place on Monday May 5, 2014 at 9:00 A.M.for ICFPD, has been in the works for several months.  The integration of radio systems, policies, training, and information management systems has required the work of many of the ICFPD firefighters and Evergreen dispatchers.

Currently ICFPD uses the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center for all dispatching of 911 responses.  Following the transfer of dispatch services, the initial call will continue to be received at the Jefferson County Dispatch Center and then transferred to the Evergreen Dispatch Center.  This allows for the continuing coordination of both law enforcement and fire department responders.

The dispatchers at the Evergreen Fire Dispatch Center, many of whom are off-duty EMTs and firefighters, will give advice and direction to the caller prior to the arrival of EMS or fire personnel. This will provide the caller with valuable information to provide supportive care to the sick or injured person.

“We continue to seek ways to improve our response times, services to the citizens and firefighter safety.  The new Dispatch Center serving multiple fire and EMS agencies is the next step in this process.” said Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District Fire Chief Randy Simpson.  Simpson also added that the combined fire and EMS dispatch center will improve coordination and response between the departments.

The changes to the dispatch function are the next logical step in improving fire and Emergency Medical Services.  Chief Simpson said ICFPD firefighters look forward to the transition.  “The new dispatch center should enhance communication between fire agencies and improve the situational awareness of our firefighters,” said Chief Simpson.

The console will be set up to allow communication at four terminals.  Each terminal will have multiple computer screens to monitor fire and EMS activity.  To start the consolidation process, the fire department began an intensive process of information transfer to the Evergreen Dispatch Center in 2013.

"This has been a lot of hard work from members of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center, the Evergreen Dispatch Center, and the staff of ICFPD working collaboratively," said Simpson. "It's been a great team effort.  Thanks to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center for their decades of service to our citizens and firefighters."

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