Monday, December 28, 2015

Safety in Numbers - We Can't Help You If We Can't Find You

When ICFPD emergency responders respond to your home, it can be quite difficult to find your exact location if your house number is not clearly marked, especially at night or in bad weather conditions. An accurate and easily visible address is vital for rapidly locating a home or business in any emergency requiring law enforcement, fire or Emergency Medical Services.  

The picture shows a reflective address sign as highly visible at night.  As we approach your home or driveway this type of sign speeds response.  Is your address this visible at night from both directions?


Drive to your home after dark. Determine if your address would be IMMEDIATELY identifiable to an emergency responder approaching for the first time from either direction - on a dark and stormy night perhaps ...
If your mail box is not directly in front of your house, you should have a sign on the mail box and one at the entrance to your driveway or on any locked gate.
If the house numbers on your street or road are not sequential, it is especially important that each house is clearly marked.
If your mail box is one of a group of boxes, is it clear in which direction to go to get to your house? You may need an arrow or additional address marker in addition to a marker at your driveway.
If your property has several buildings or multiple dwellings, each entrance door should have a house marker sign next to it.
In most cases it is an additional safety factor to have a house marker sign directly on your house in a location that is visible from the street or road and that would not be hidden by landscaping.
You don't have to remove any current signs that you really like, but we hope that you see the need for uniform signage that all responders will be looking for as we approach your home
If you're not sure where a sign should be placed, contact us and we'll send a firefighter to your residence.

Reflective blue signs are available for purchase from ICFPD. Call our non-emergency office number 303-697-4413.

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