Sunday, April 10, 2016

ICFPD Wildland Captain Todd Moore Retires after 27 Years of Volunteer Service

Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District announces the retirement of Captain Todd Moore, who has served for over 27 years.  Captain Moore has served ICFPD is a variety of roles since he joined in 1989.  He began to serve after some coaxing from a neighbor.  “My wife and I had 2 young girls and my hobbies of rock climbing and kayaking were considered risky by her.  The fire department was an “acceptable” way to help my community and get an adrenalin rush at the same time.  The 27 years I’ve been with Inter-Canyon turned out to be way more than just an adrenalin fix, it has been mine and my families’ way of life. There have been many missed holiday dinners, school programs and functions but I wouldn’t have traded this “volunteer career” for anything.  I will carry the friends, acquaintances and knowledge I have amassed the rest of my life.” Moore said.

“Captain Moore is a true Inter-Canyon success story.  We are honored not only by his years of service, but his impact of the community.   Todd has diligently served the community with devotion, courage and integrity.  He will be missed,” Fire Chief Skip Shirlaw states.

Captain Moore has served in a number of roles at ICFPD: firefighter, Lieutenant, Chief of Training and the Wildland Captain.  “The Wildland Captain role was the most enjoyable position I’ve held since my love of the outdoors fell right in line with this position.  While Wildland Captain I achieved the nationally recognized position of Task Force Leader. This position required that I evaluate homes for defensibility, implement strategies and tactics needed to protect the homes from wildfires.” Moore stated after his retirement party.
This interest in wildfire also was responsible for the creation of the 285 Wildcats wildfire team in the early 1990s.  The 285 Wildcats team was a mutual aid team consisting of members from all of the 285 corridor fire departments, providing initial attack on many of the major Front Range fires since Buffalo Creek in the mid 1990’s.

Moore plans to remain active in the community by helping with Community Wildfire Protection Plan and information talks as needed.  His retirement as a volunteer will allow him to spend more time with his grandchildren, tackle home remodeling projects which always seemed to be delayed by one more emergency response and enjoy the great Colorado outdoors.

Captain Moore’s volunteer positions at ICFPD:
o   Station Lieutenant
o   Captain Station One
o   Training Chief
o   Wildland Captain
o   Training Committee
o   Jefferson CountyWildland Committee
o   Co-founder of the 285 Wildcats
o   Taskforce Leader/Crew Boss/Engine Boss/ICT 4
o   State Fire Instructor Level One

·        Highlights
o   Responded to many major Front Range fires starting with Buffalo Creek
o   ISO rating lowered in 10 years with hard work from the department, reducing insurance costs to our ICFPD homeowners.
o   Participated on the truck design committee for the 12 current fire apparatus
o   Developed the ICFPD Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Retiring ICFPD Wildland Captain Todd Moore


  1. There have been many missed holiday dinners, school programs and functions but I wouldn’t have traded this “volunteer career” for anything.see post

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